Draft design rules on advanced emergency braking should be changed to include specific requirements on how the braking systems handle older trailers without ABS, according to the Australian Trucking Association (ATA).
The ATA made this recommendation in its recent submission to the Australian Government, which refers to exposure drafts of proposed ADRs 97/00 and 35/07 released by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Cities on 19 August 2020.
The draft ADRs would extend existing requirements for electronic stability control to new rigid trucks and require new rigid trucks and prime movers to have advanced emergency braking.
Following the ATA’s submission, ATA Chief Engineer Bob Woodward said,“Advanced emergency braking systems from different manufacturers handle applying trailer service brakes through the air lines differently. Some products apply full braking. Others signal pulse the air lines. Still others only activate the engine brakes.
“Our members warned us that these different approaches were creating confusion on the road.
“We need a performance standard in our rules so that all the AEB systems used in Australia do the same thing when a prime mover is towing older trailers.”
The ATA’s submission also recommends better communication from the Australian Government about how AEBS works.