Former truckie-turned snake catcher Ben Avery from Bayside Snake Catchers in Brisbane had to call on all his skills to safely wrangle this huge eastern brown from the back of this truck at the Port of Brisbane this week.
Avery said the snake gave the driver a hell of a fright after he discovered it hiding in one of his trailers, having hitched a ride all the way from Townsville.
“This snake is about 5.5 feet and was very annoyed after being locked in a hot truck for two days,” he said.
Avery said the eastern brown can’t be released in the Brisbane area because he can’t mix the gene pool from two different areas.
After discussions with a couple of different experienced snake catchers, it has been arranged that this snake will be going to the Australian Reptile Park in NSW to be part of their venom extraction program to be used for research and to make anti venom to help save lives, said Avery on his company’s Facebook page.
“A great outcome for the snake as it would have to be euthanised otherwise.”