Those in the industry are being called on to have their say on what they want to see for the future Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL), with the closing date for submissions to the HVNL review consultation regulation impact statement (RIS) now extended until Friday 20 November 2020.
Feedback can be provided by using the short submission form on topics of interest or relevance to you via the HVNL review site, where you can read the proposed policy options by topic.
Alternatively, a formal written submission can be provided via the NTC website.
The National Transport Commission (NTC) is releasing a series of short explanations of key HVNL reform options and how they might affect you on the HVNL review website. These are designed to complement the RIS and the HVNL 2.0 document.
The feedback provided will be considered when finalising the policy options to present to ministers for approval in the first half of 2021.
Click here to view some of the fact sheets on key topics.