
Award winners named by Heavy Vehicle Industry Australia

award winners

Heavy Vehicle Industry Australia (HVIA) today announced the winners of a suite of awards, for leadership and innovation in the heavy vehicle sector.

The winners are:

National Apprentice of the Year Award

  • Joel Dunstan, The Brown & Hurley Group Winner
  • Ashley Beeby, Cummins High Achievement Award

Peter Langworthy Future Leader Award

  • John Jackson, Brimarco

Community Leadership Award

  • MaxiTRANS Industries – R U OK / Drought Aid

Product Innovation Award

  • Tiger Spider – Hevi Spec/Spider Path

Safety Innovation Award

  • JOST Australia – SK42ASW Pneumatically Operated Sensor Fifth-Wheel

Industry Recognition Award

  • Rob Perkins

Speaking at the event in Brisbane, Assistant Minister for Road Safety and Freight Transport, Scott Buchholz said the HVIA awards acknowledged and celebrated the industry’s hard-working members, who continued to excel in providing innovative solutions to improve safety and productivity in the road transport sector.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has placed unprecedented pressure on Australia’s freight and logistics sector. Our national economy relies on keeping freight moving,” said Buchholz.

“A lot of work goes into making sure that happens and during the pandemic, the industry rose to the challenge.

“Again today, I congratulate the entire heavy vehicle industry; transport operators, manufacturers, repairers and drivers on a job well done. Through your joint efforts you have ensured that our trucks and trailers have stayed on the road and freight kept moving.”

Buchholz also announced the winner of the Safety Innovation Award, JOST Australia.

JOST Australia won the award for developing a Pneumatically Operated Sensor Fifth Wheel, which reduces the likelihood of a dropped trailer, which can cause serious injury.

“Innovating in new technologies, to make our heavy transport industry safer is a big credit to JOST Australia,” said Buchholz.

“I congratulate the entire team on their efforts in developing this technology, which will reduce the risk of injury and increase accessibility for drivers

“The Australian Government has a strong focus on improving safety in the industry, through programs such as the Heavy Vehicle Safety Initiative, which provides $5.9 million in Round 5 for 26 projects.”

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