After a number of fatal heavy vehicle crashes in the area local A/Inspector Mathew Carroll also wanted to connect with drivers as they approach what is one of their busiest times of the year.
This year the Yass sector had six fatal collisions, four involving heavy vehicles. Out of those, sadly three heavy vehicle drivers lost their lives.
Overall in 2020 there have been nine major collisions involving heavy vehicles in the Yass sector, most of which occurred on the Hume Highway, with these collisions resulting in extensive traffic delays and road closures.
“This initiative aims to break down barriers, we can chat directly with drivers about current issues and remind them to look after themselves during this peak period, manage their fatigue, stop, rest and refresh and get home safely,” said A/Inspector Mathew Carroll.
“This is also a great way to say thank you for their service, all over a free coffee.”
Melissa Weller, Safety Health and Wellbeing Director at the ATA, added: “The Coffee with a Cop initiative showcases the excellent work officers from NSW Police are doing in collaborating with the trucking industry, working together with operators and associations to improve road safety.”
“It demonstrates the focus of all three organisations, the ATA, Police and Transport for NSW, on heavy vehicle driver safety and the safety of all road users.”
Transport for NSW Director South West Region, Jonathan Tasker, said the NSW government is focused on improving the safety of our roads as it works to reduce the road toll in NSW Towards Zero.
“This December we are calling on all road users to drive safely,” Tasker said.
“Our nation’s truck drivers are on the roads every day ensuring our shelves are stocked and that our fuel, goods and food are delivered.
“As we enter the holiday period, many of us are travelling on the roads to catch up with family and friends.
“It is also a peak period for freight movement, so it is important that all road users look after each other and share the road safely.”
All drivers who dropped into the Coffee with a Cop event were provided with a complementary coffee and were given a few Christmas goodies to take with them as they continued their safe journey.