
Bridge strikes force lane closures on Cunningham Hwy

Lane closures and restrictions on the Cunningham Highway remain in place today after a truck carrying an excavator hit three bridges on the busy Queensland freight route on Monday.

A spokeswoman for the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) said the truck struck two bridges at the highway overpass at Aberdare Street at Dinmore and the Redbank Plains Road bridge over the Cunningham Highway near Blackstone.

In the interest of safety, TMR has now reduced the Cunningham to one lane in each direction at the Aberdare Street overpass in Dinmore.

The southbound carriageway of the highway has also been closed at the Redbank Plains Road bridge and a detour is in place.

Until further notice, the TMR advises that the following lane closures and heavy vehicle restrictions are in place:

Cunningham Highway Inbound Bridge over Aberdare Street, Dinmore

  • Bridge reduced to single lane only at reduced speed. Right hand lane is closed.
  • Freight vehicles between 4.5 tonne and 68.5 tonne (as-of-right HML B-double) have access to this single lane.
  • All Class 1 load carrying platforms and low loaders require specific structural assessment prior to movement to minimise risk and ensure safety.

Cunningham Highway Outbound Bridge over Aberdare Street, Dinmore

  • Bridge reduced to single lane only at reduced speed. Left hand lane is closed.
  • Freight vehicles between 4.5 tonne and 68.5 tonne (as-of-right HML B-double) have access to this single lane.
  • All Class 1 load carrying platforms and low loaders require specific structural assessment prior to movement to minimise risk and ensure safety.

Cunningham Highway under the Redbank Plains Road Bridge near Blackstone

  • Currently all outbound lanes are closed.
  • Diversions are via the off-ramp and on-ramp at the interchange.

Redbank Plains Road Bridge over the Cunningham Highway near Blackstone

  • The bridge is currently closed to all classes of vehicle.
  • Diversions are via the off-ramp and on-ramp at the interchange.

“TMR apologises for the inconvenience and delays experienced by road users, however safety is our number one priority,” said a spokeswoman.

For more information, operators are asked to call 3066 5511 and speak with the Heavy Vehicle Access team.

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