
Free cuppas for truckies in regional NSW until end of May


Truckies driving through regional NSW are being encouraged to participate in a safety initiative aimed at reducing driver fatigue-related crashes across the state.

From now until May 31, a host of participating businesses are offering free coffees in the Free Cuppa for the Driver campaign.

First developed by the NSW Local Government Road Safety Program in 2010,  the scheme is administered by a group of passionate Road Safety Officers who engage with local cafes and other food and beverage providers. More than 23,000 cuppas have been given away to drivers since its inception.

All free cuppas are generously provided by established businesses who also want to see a reduction in our road toll. All marketing and administration costs are funded by Transport for NSW, The NSW Centre for Road Safety and the participating councils.

The Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council (CGRC) local government area launched its participation with two local businesses, the Dog on the Tuckerbox Café at Gundagai and Jules Sub Store in Cootamundra.

[l-r] CGRC mayor Cr Abb McAlister, Manav Gera with daughter Armaan and wife Mehak, Jai Sapra and Cr Charlie Sheahan at the Tuckerbox Café in Gundagai.
The council said four of its local 14 road crash fatalities (almost one-third) and 28 out of the 177 road trauma injuries were caused by fatigue during the period 2014-2019.

CGRC mayor Cr Abb McAlister and CGRC Traffic Committee representative Cr Charlie Sheahan both congratulated the two local businesses who are participating in the program.

Cr McAlister said: “Its great to see the Dog on the Tuckerbox café at Gundagai and Jules Sub Store at Cootamundra, taking up this campaign. Both businesses are well placed to attract passing traffic and have the surroundings for drivers and passengers to take a rest break.”

“This is a big investment for these businesses, they generously donate a cuppa to the driver of any vehicle on a long drive, more than 100km away from home (as shown on their driver’s licence) and who are stopping for the purpose of taking a break from driving. One driver per vehicle can claim a free cuppa at any single stop.  All types of drivers and vehicles are eligible: trucks, passenger vehicles, RVs, motorbikes, buses, people travelling for work. I applaud the efforts of these businesses to take part and do their bit for road safety,” added Cr Sheahan.​

If you are planning a trip away during March to May, check out the Free Cuppa for the Driver website and map your journey with participating venues.

​Drivers claiming a free cuppa can also go into the draw to win fuel vouchers, travel vouchers or a coffee machine.

To be eligible to receive a free coffee, truckies only need to show their licence with a home address 100km away, or more.

Click here for more details on where you can take part.

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