
New opportunities now open at The Tyre Factory

Australia is a huge land mass and our roads are how we typically get our products from A to B. With the number of trucks and cars on our roads growing every year, it means the number of tyres on the road are growing too.

As our population grows, the number of vehicles grows with it. “Trucks and cars are doing more mileage and wearing out more tyres. The tyre market is growing every year and it won’t stop growing. The more kilometres you do, the more you wear out your tyres,” said General Manager of The Tyre Factory Group Pty Ltd, Bill Leane.

“During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, when business was tough, the tyre market still showed growth. There were six new stores that opened last year in the middle of the pandemic.”

Started in 1987, The Tyre Factory has continued to grow its retail footprint and brand recognition. The Tyre Factory Group now has new opportunities for those looking for a change in direction – no matter where in Australia they are.

“There’s an opportunity for someone in 2021 to change their direction and own their own tyre and wheel superstore. There are licensing opportunities available for all states for the Tyre Factory Licensing Program, which offers low cost entry and access to the biggest tyre brands,” added Leane.

“There are a lot of Big Rigs readers who have been driving trucks all their life or running a fleet or who’ve been in the trucking industry for many years. This is an opportunity to get off the road and own their own business. We have opportunities available nationally.”

Leane explained that the business has deliberately gone down a licensing path, rather than a franchise model, to lower costs and increase the benefits for those that take the step into being a Tyre Factory store owner. “There are a lot of groups in the tyre industry and they are mainly franchises. We use a licensing model because it means it’s a much lower cost to get in. The cost of a license is low and the flexibility is high.”

The Tyre Factory does away with the massive rulebook that often comes with running a franchise. It provides a strong platform and a strong back-up service, coupled with the best deal on any tyres.

“This is a great opportunity in a market that needs continual replacement. It gives people access to all brands in the marketplace, so they’re not tied to just one brand. We have all the brands, so store owners can distribute their money into whatever suits their market,” Leane added.

“There are opportunities for new start-ups, for rebranding of existing tyre and wheel businesses or as an extension of another type of business. No matter where in Australia you are, we’re happy to have a conversation.”

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