One of Australia’s largest truck and motorcycle convoys, the Convoy For The Cure, will move back to its original pre-Covid date in 2021 at Townsville.
“Last year the event moved to September simply due to Covid 19 issues, but this year we are moving back to its traditional month,” said Convoy Director Todd Martin, revealing the popular charity event will be held on May 30.
The event raises funds for children’s cancer charity The Cure Starts Now. Its Director Ren Pedersen said the event has become a critical annual event. He lost his daughter Amy to childhood brain cancer in 2009.
“The good people in our community come together with one aim to find a cure for a disease that doesn’t stop during Covid and neither will we in our efforts to beat cancer,” Pedersen said.
Now in its fifth year, Convoy For The Cure participants pay an entry fee with all proceeds going to The Cure Starts Now – the entry fee of $100 per truck and $50 per motorcycle registers entrants.
For the prestige of leading the convoy, individuals and companies donate more.
In 2018 a record of over $20,000 was raised to lead the convoy by Longpocket Earthmoving.
Naming rights partner radio station Power 100 will broadcast the convoy live, with thousands expected to line the streets to witness the trucks and bikes.
They will travel along a revised 2021 route starting at 9am from Webb Drive, then Duckworth Street, with the change of Dalrymple Road and Thuringowa Drive to then proceed up Riverway Drive, finishing at Ross Dam Park in a turnaround finish point.
An amazing $62,000 was raised last year and organisers are hopeful that could will be beaten come May.
For more information or to donate, please click here.