Careers & Training

Claim up to $10,400 a year for new transport employees


Off the back of the latest employment figures which show more than 300,000 additional jobs have been created since October 2020, transport businesses that have employed new young people are encouraged to check if they are eligible to claim the JobMaker Hiring Credit.

Employers can receive up to $10,400 per year for each new job they fill between October 7, 2020, and October 6, 2021, with an eligible employee aged 16 to 29 years, and up to $5,200 a year for each eligible employee aged 30 to 35 years.

The first JobMaker period ran from 7 October 7, 2020, to January 6, 2021, and claims for this period must be submitted by April 30.

Deputy Commissioner James O’Halloran said: “As the deadline to claim for the first period approaches on 30 April I encourage all employers to see if they qualify for the scheme, and if eligible, claim the JobMaker Hiring Credit payments.”

Employers who want more information can go to or contact their tax or BAS agent, Deputy Commissioner O’Halloran said.

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