
What’s on: Key industry events in 2021

After many shows and events were cancelled as a result of the pandemic, the trucking calendar is once again filling up. Here’s a look at what’s coming up.


Convoy Geelong

May 2

Geelong, Victoria

Trucks and motorbikes will come to together at Avalon Raceway, before travelling around the Geelong area and back again, where the fun will continue with a Show and Shine. All funds raised will go to children’s cancer charity Camp Quality.

NBTA Bulk Tanker Day

May 11-12

Brisbane Showgrounds

This National Bulk Tanker Association event will discuss the latest in operations, safety, people, regulations and technology for the bulk tanker industry. There will also be a site tour of the QFES facility.

Brisbane Truck Show

May 13-16

Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre

It’s full steam ahead for the Brisbane Truck Show, which will feature some of the latest trucks, trailers, components and equipment, showcasing an array of ground-breaking technology solutions.

TWAL Conference

May 28-30

Epping, Victoria

The eighth Transport Women Australia Limited Conference will be emceed by Melissa Strong of Lindsay Australia. She will be joined by various speakers including Kerrie Challenor of NTI and Jodie Palmer of Volvo Group Australia.

Convoy For The Cure

May 30

Townsville, QLD

One of Australia’s largest truck and motorcycle convoys, this event raises money for children’s cancer charity The Cure Starts Now Inc. Last year, $62,000 was raised, and this year organisers are hoping to raise even more.


Alexandra Truck, Ute and Rod Show

June 13

Alexandra, Victoria

This will be a jam-packed day with over 100 trucks expected to be on display, along with utes and hot rods. There will also be the Victorian Woodchop Tournament, live music, exhibitions, trade displays, a major auction and more.


Burrumbuttock Hay Run

July 8-10

Illfracombe, Queensland

After having to postpone the annual Australia Day hay run, the Burrumbuttock Hay Run will return, with around 300 prime movers and 500 trailers expected to take part.

After having to postpone the annual Australia Day hay run, the date is set for the Burrumbuttock organiser Brendan Farrell is rallying the troops for a July mission. Picture: Facebook.


Casino Truck Show

August 7

Casino, NSW

From 10am the truck parade will roll through Johnston and Centre Streets. Registrations are open from 6am and take place at the Casino Industrial Area on the town’s east side. Other highlights include live music, amusements and markets, and over $12,000 in cash and prizes. For further information, email

The best and brightest rigs are due to roll through the streets of Casino again in early August. Picture: Facebook.

NatRoad Conference

August 19-21

Gold Coast, Queensland

The NatRoad National Conference aims to provide an opportunity for freight operators to get together and reconnect after a difficult year. Event highlights will include the ‘NatRoad Parliament’ where attendees can debate pressing issues; and the NatRoad Awards which will be presented at the Gala Dinner.

National Road Transport Hall of Fame Reunion

August 23-29

Alice Springs, NT

The National Transport Historical Society and The Old Ghan Historical Society has announced the inaugural Festival of Transport, with new events to be held alongside the usual reunion activities, including introducing the newest members to the Rimula Wall of Fame.

It promises to be another big gathering of industry friends and former colleagues in Alice Springs in August.



September 8-10

Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre

MEGATRANS is Australia’s leading industry freight and logistics trade exhibition and conference, showcasing multimodal transport solutions. And for the very first time, MEGATRANS will be held in conjunction with the specialised bulk handling expo, Australian Bulk Handling Expo 2021, with both events taking place side by side.

Australasian Road Safety Conference

September 28-30

Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre

The 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference will combine a mixture of in-person and online delivery to ensure people can be involved regardless of any travel restrictions that may be in place. The event aims to align with road safety efforts across Australia, New Zealand and globally, and assist in building road safety capacity.

Trucking Australia 2021

September 29 – October 1

Gold Coast, Queensland

The date is set for the Trucking Australia conference, presented by the Australian Trucking Association, with further details and VIP conference packages to be released soon.


Lights on the Hill Memorial Convoy

October 2-3

Gatton, Qld

The memorial convoy gives drivers and their families an opportunity to get together with other truckies in a social environment whilst making the public aware that truckies are the backbone of the country.


Boyup Brook Ute and Truck Muster

November 20

Boyup Brook, WA

Held together with the Boyup Brook Country Music Festival, this muster aims to celebrate Aussie vehicles by showcasing an impressive display.

Illawarra Convoy

November 21

Illawarra, NSW

The Illawarra Convoy and Family Fun Day is the largest truck and motorbike convoy in the Southern Hemisphere, raising much needed funds for various charities.

Brisbane Convoy for Kids and Truck Show

November 6

Redcliffe Showgrounds, Queensland

Raising money for Hummingbird House, the truck and bike convoy will run from Forest Lake to Redcliffe Showgrounds, where there will be a truck show with awards that include everything from Best Decorated Truck to Best Dressed Driver. The evening will culminate in a spectacular fireworks display.

• Have you got an event you’d like included in the next Save the Date? Email all the details to

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