BTS 2023

Maximise your time and productivity

Is your business reacting to maintenance issues when they happen, because your systems don’t talk? Do you always feel that getting the right data at the right time is practically impossible?

Are you finding the information flow between operations and workshops is poor?

And are you finding that the amount of paperwork and repetitive data entry removes any time to plan effectively?

Do you find that your business tools only provide half the functions to run an effective end to end preventative and reactive maintenance system?

Transport businesses have become extremely reliant on roles like Fleet Manager, Workshop Manager or Facilities and Maintenance Manager, yet as an industry we have not really seen strong integration between what we know as a Computerised Maintenance Management System (CMMS) and ERP or Transport Management Systems for the majority of fleet operators.

A case in point: maybe one of your vehicles has a small fault, and because the paperwork can be a burden, what  if the driver doesn’t report it?

Instead, they continue to take the vehicle out on the road until the fault becomes a more major defect, which now requires the asset to be off the road for days and completely out of cycle with your preventative maintenance programs.

Now it’s too late to try and prevent the problem, you simply have to react to the issue.

Kynection has categorised the benefits of embedding your maintenance system ‘inside’ your operations system in these four broad areas:

• Cost improvements;

• Better plant and equipment management;

• Stronger workflow controls (including hold points); and

• Tracking and reporting.

With an integrated fleet and business management system, you can maximise your time and productivity by ensuring better plant and equipment management.

Data is uploaded instantly and accessible to everyone who needs it.

This delivers direct cost improvements in a range of areas including reduced downtime, less overtime and reduced time to repair.

A transport business that has better communication and accountability between maintenance and operations can manage and control hold points and can automatically populate information from the field, so it is at an advantage.

With a system that streamlines your processes and removes the need for manual data entry, you will deliver much better workflow controls.

No business needs the headaches associated with chasing records after the fact, so it’s critical that any system provides accurate tracking and reporting.

If there has been a major incident on the road and the authorities want to see evidence that the vehicle has been properly maintained, your business will be held accountable through Chain of Responsibility if you have not maintained adequate records.

Kynection is a one system approach to your maintenance management tasks.

It provides an integrated and controlled workflow that is “inside” your operations system.

You will have the visibility to pre-plan and forecast servicing requirements to maximise asset utilisation and keep your trucks on the road.

It is easy to avoid downtime by planning service around driver breaks and using a fully integrated scheduling and maintenance system.

Find Kynection at Mezzanine 165 at the Brisbane Truck Show.

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