Passing through Westbury recently, we were happy to catch up with Maurie Campbell, from Forth, when he pulled over to grab a hot cuppa to go.
Although in a hurry, Campbell happily found time for a quick chat with us before he took off for home.
He was driving a Harvest Moon 2020 long Hino 700 refrigerated tautliner.
“I’ve been with Harvest Moon now for 29 years, and it is more than just a great job, it’s an awesome job,” he said.
“Really good people to work for, they started out as a farm, and have built it up to a major modern business now.
“I am rapt in the Hino, it’s perfect for this job. I have done my time in a lot of trucks from starting out in a Bedford to DAFs, to Kenworths, semi-trailers and B-doubles, but truly this Hino is a top truck.
“I did love a Mack Value Liner we had, but when it comes to comfort and quietness, you can’t beat this Hino.”
We asked Campbell how he spent his time off, and he told us he has a shack up near Cradle Mountain and he likes to go up there with the family as often as possible.