Truckie Profiles

Enjoying life on the road

Brett Hamilton drives a 2016 Mack Superliner 685 for Kelly Freightlines, based in Goondiwindi. He was with his lovely wife Judy when I saw them.

They were parked at the BP Cluden and Hamilton was delivering pellets from Kapunda for the nearby Townsville Port.

“I usually have backloads of grain from Emerald to the Darling Downs or scrap to Griffiths when I come up here,” he said.

The 57-year-old has been with the company for 15 years and enjoys the job.

He rates the Leichhardt and Gore Highways as amongst the worst he gets along.

“There is also what we truckies call the jump up hill near Injune,” he said.

Hamilton likes stopping at roadhouses along the way and nominated the Little Topar near Broken Hill, the Yunta Caltex and the Torren’s Creek Hotel as his favourites.

I asked if he had seen anything funny in recent times whilst on the job. He replied, “Yes, some people trying to reverse trucks at a place in Adelaide.”

Judy was delighted to also engage in the conversation but not as keen to have her pic snapped with her husband.

Hamilton’s favourite meals are anything with prawns as ingredients.

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