
Report: PBS vehicles in fewer major crashes

A new report reveals that Performance Based Standards (PBS) vehicles are involved in 60 per cent fewer major crashes than conventional vehicles.

The joint report – from the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR), Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport Australia (CILTA) and the National Truck Accident Research Centre (NTARC) – looks at the reduced crash rates, fewer kilometres driven and lives saved by using PBS vehicles.

Results of the report are a significant improvement over the results in a 2018 report which found 46 per cent fewer major crashes compared to the conventional fleet. PBS vehicles are also forecast to save 143 lives over 20 years.

NHVR Chief Engineer Les Bruzsa said PBS vehicles were achieving safety gains beyond what was originally anticipated.

“PBS articulated combinations had the lowest rate of crashes per distance travelled with 5.4 crashes per 100 million kilometres travelled, compared to 17.6 crashes for their conventional counterparts — almost 70 per cent lower,” he said.

“Not only are these vehicles equipped with the latest in braking and safety technologies to help prevent crashes, but they are also productive – delivering more goods with fewer vehicles in a safe manner.

“Over the last five years, PBS vehicles travelled 1.6 billion fewer kilometres on Australian roads compared to conventional vehicles to transport the same freight task.

“This huge reduction in distance travelled means improved safety benefits to our drivers, the community and reducing damage to our roads.”

There has been significant acceleration in the uptake of the PBS scheme, with a compound annual growth rate close to 43 per cent.

“There are now more than 12,000 PBS-approved combinations operating across Australia,” Bruzsa added.

“Further growth will deliver greater safety and productivity benefits, supporting a strong and prosperous Australia, and the saving of more lives on our roads.”

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