The NHVR has re-instated temporary changes to the National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme (NHVAS) driver medical and audit requirements, to support industry during the ongoing pandemic restrictions.
NHVR CEO Sal Petroccitto said practical changes would be made to the scheme’s medical and audit requirements to meet the operational and health needs of accredited operators.
“Over the past week, we’ve spoken to a number industry groups, including the Australian Trucking Association and NatRoad, about practical ways to meet the scheme’s strict safety requirements,” Petoccitto said.
“We’ve taken industry’s concerns onboard, and from today, the driver medical requirements for those operating under Advanced Fatigue Management and Basic Fatigue Management, along with validation of documents and records undertaken by auditors will be changed.”
The changes, which will be in place until January 31, 2022, include:
- Drivers operating under AFM or BFM accreditations may continue to drive with an expired driver medical (that expired on or after July 31, 2021), until they can practicably obtain a new one.
- Auditors can undertake all document and records validation and audits remotely, requesting electronic copies be emailed to them (or by another suitable method), and conduct conversations over the phone where applicable.
“This will allow operators and drivers who continue to work in a challenging environment and ensure auditors can work within each state’s health guidelines,” Petroccitto added.
“I encourage all drivers to continue to proactively monitor their physical and mental health, follow government advice around social distancing and hygiene and stay home if they are feeling unwell.
“The NHVR continues to focus on doing everything safe and practical that we can to reduce the burden on industry.”
For more information on the changes to NHVAS health and audit requirements go to
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