With all the debate and divisiveness that is going on around the country within our own industry and the community in general, we need to start to pull together to get our country moving and get our economy back on track.
I am neither pro-vax or anti-vax and while I don’t believe that vaccines should be mandated by anybody, I do understand that they have been mandated by stealth.
I do believe the only way we’ll get back to living any type of normal life is if people get vaccinated. Unfortunately, whatever I believe, they are not going to open our borders or stop lockdowns until 80 per cent or 90 per cent of our population is vaccinated and we’re not going to change their minds.
We don’t have time to ask the government whether it be state or federal, or to protests or mount campaigns or anything else as our businesses are under the gun and if we don’t jump start the economy a lot of people will not have businesses to re-open and we will not be able to visit our families who are in another state, or further than 5km.
Because none of my family live in the same state as myself, I haven’t seen them for months and most of my friends are either interstate or overseas, so I haven’t seen them either but I’m in the same situation as a lot of people and it is heartbreaking and a serious issue for our mental health.
We missed Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Christmas, Easter, and all these special occasions; for those of us with elderly parents, we need to get back on track as soon as possible.
Maybe we need to start blasting GANGgajang ‘Sounds of Them’ (This is Australia), Great Southern Land by Icehouse and I am Australian by The Seekers in the parliament of each state 24/7 until they realise, they are part of a great country, and they need to get together and work as one nation.
Or the best-case scenario let’s abolish state parliaments altogether and save ourselves a heck of a lot of money and bureaucracy, maybe then the federal government could plan for national unity.
Under the current regime we’re tearing families apart, sending companies broke, putting people out of work and creating a divide between neighbours, colleagues, and different local government areas because of the different rules; but the most important thing we need to do, is end these economy crippling lockdowns so business can reopen and start making money.
Why should the government dictate, that businesses can only service vaccinated people, surely it should be up to the business whether they can service vaccinated or unvaccinated people? If they wish to service unvaccinated, I’m sure that they could service them on different days or in different times.
If the vaccine is supposed to be so good, it shouldn’t really matter. Whatever the outcome we need to get back to work and we need to do it soon.
Otherwise, it won’t be only the anti-vax that are protesting it’ll be everyone whose business is being closed, whose businesses have gone bankrupt, or people being put out of work by the prolonged lockdowns and who can blame them?