Immersive road safety exhibition, SafeT360, will head to Deniliquin Road Safety Week to put more young road users in the virtual driver’s seat.
Statistics show 16-25-year-olds are the most overrepresented group of drivers involved in crashes on our roads. SafeT360 puts young road users in the virtual driver’s seat to show them how to stay safe on the road, giving insight they don’t get from learner driver logbooks.
SafeT360 Marketing and Engagement Coordinator, Kayla O’Brien, says this age group is the most overrepresented group of people involved in crashes on our roads.
“SafeT360 has one clear goal – to save lives. Whether in a regional or urban area, we all have a role to play in road safety and need to understand how to share the road safely with trucks,” she said.
Educating young road users about how they can share the road safely with trucks, SafeT360 is an interactive custom-built road safety exhibition that uses virtual reality and interactive messaging all packed into a real travelling truck and trailer.
“SafeT360 gives young road users an understanding where a truck’s blind spots are, how long it takes a truck to stop, the dangers of distraction, and other tips about how to keep themselves and their loved ones safe on the road,” added O’Brien.
“We are so excited to be connecting with young road users across NSW to spread our important road safety messages, in a fun and safe way.”