
A special road train for Georgia

In 2016, Mitch and Jess Kelly, owners of Kelly Transport in Toowoomba, were thrown a massive curveball. They learned that their daughter, Georgia, who was just two at the time, would not grow up and enjoy the life they had dreamed she should have.

Georgia was diagnosed with Rett syndrome. Occurring primarily in girls, it is caused by a gene mutation at a very early age. Infants seem healthy during their first six months, but over time, rapidly lose coordination, speech and use of their hands. 

To raise awareness, Mitch and Jess are proud to reveal the most prized addition to the Kelly Transport fleet, the aptly named Georgia K – a stunning purple and white livered Kenworth T909 decked out with a full-complement of Vawdrey trailers. 

Mitch custom-ordered the truck in February and it was finally completed in September. But the truck means much more to the Kelly’s than just raising awareness for their cause. 

The ‘Georgia K’ is a stunning purple and white livered T909 decked out with a full complement of Vawdrey trailers.

To them, it’s a symbol of hope and what better way to promote awareness, than to do a truck up in the colour associated with Rett Syndrome – purple.

“It was supposed to come off the line in late August/early September. It came offline in late September and has been in Toowoomba getting the rest of the paint done,” said Mitch.

The Kelly family with their newest addition, the ‘Georgia K’.

“It was painted in factory purple and white. There were a few sections that needed to be fixed up, but Brown and Hurley organised it all. The metallic purple paint changes colours when it’s moving. It’s just unreal.”

The Kellys actively fundraise for the Rett Syndrome Association of Australia and have raised interest from a number of transport companies for the Rise Against Rett Gala to be held in Toowoomba on March 26.

“It’s heavily transport industry-orientated, and I think we’ve sold $60,000 worth of tables for the night so far,” said Mitch.

The striking truck will be driven by Mitch until the gala, where it will be on display in the car park at Rumours International Convention Centre on Ruthven Street.

 If you are interested in helping raise awareness and funds for the Rett Syndrome Association of Australia and their community, you can purchase tickets for the Rise Against Rett Gala on the  Eventbrite website.

For more information on the Rett Syndrome Association of Australia, go to rarevoices.org.au.

There’s currently no cure for Rett syndrome, but medication, physio and speech therapy and nutritional support help manage symptoms, prevent complications, and improve quality of life.

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