
StarTrack team members endorse new enterprise agreements


Startrack have announced that new Enterprise Agreements have been secured for more than 3000 of its StarTrack team members, with well over 90 per cent voting yes for the new Agreements.

The new agreements deliver a guaranteed nine per cent pay increase over the next three years, while also maintaining key existing terms and conditions of employment.

The result comes following a challenging bargaining process with extensive consultation with employees and unions and provides a strong foundation for the next three years.

The first 3 per cent pay rise is effective from September 2021, with StarTrack further agreeing to further job security commitments.

StarTrack General Manager Operations Wayne Josh said the agreements meant further security and certainty for StarTrack team members, while continuing to build a sustainable future for the business to keep serving Australian communities.

“These enterprise agreements provide an industry-leading wage offer and enhanced job security protections that build on the already strong protections in previous agreements,” said Josh.

“We’re delivering more parcels than ever before and these agreements will help StarTrack to continue to play a meaningful role now and into the future, and provide long-term benefits for our people, our customers and the communities we serve.

An resounding 93 per cent of participating staff voted yes for the StarTrack – Transport Workers’ Union National Enterprise Agreement 2021, and 98 per cent of participating NSW/ACT staff voted yes for the StarTrack – Transport Workers’ Union NSW/ACT Enterprise Agreement 2021.

Both enterprise agreements were formally endorsed by the Transport Workers’ Union and will now be lodged with the Fair Work Commission for approval.

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