
Brave son pays tribute to truck-loving dad


Danny Hall’s eldest Jamie, 31, is at the hospital bed of mum Linda as she recuperates from another operation when Big Rigs calls.

Less than a fortnight has passed since truckie Danny, 51, was tragically killed in a head-on crash on the D’Aguilar Highway north-west of Brisbane, but Jamie is happy to take time out from his vigil to talk about the man whose two biggest loves were his family and trucks.

The Glamorgan Vale local was driving a Landcruiser with 49-year-old Linda and their 13-year-old son Steele when it collided with a Triton ute on January 7.

Initial police investigations indicate that the Triton had a mechanical fault that caused it to veer into the Landcruiser. The driver was airlifted to Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, where she passed away.

Linda suffered a broken pelvis, vertebrae, and eye socket, amongst other injuries, and faces a long road to recovery, while Steele, the only other occupant of the car, walked away with only a broken hand, and is living with Jamie while Mum gets back on her feet.

Danny, right, with Linda and sons Jamie and Steele.

A diesel fitter by trade who ran several workshops around the Lockyer Valley region, and also his own Enzed hydraulics franchise for several years, Danny was always at his happiest behind the wheel of a truck, says Jamie.

He’d driven them all over many years, from road trains to his most recent role driving cattle for JBS Carriers. Danny had hoped to sign off on his varied career by carting bulls in the US, a best mate told Jamie recently.

“He was one of the smartest people around trucks, or anything mechanical that you’ll ever meet,” said Jamie, a maintenance fitter by trade who now works in corrections.

“He just knew things, or found things others didn’t because he looked past the problem.”

Danny always kept his trucks meticulously clean.

Jamie says Danny also has the honour of being the only cattle truck driver in Australia who never got cow shit in his cab.

“He was ridiculously clean in his trucks. He had a plastic bag that he put his boots in, in the tool box so he didn’t get shit in the tool box.

“I remember when I was younger, I spewed in his clothes bag on one trip so I wouldn’t make a mess in his truck.”

Danny’s dog Dash, another of his pride and joys.

Jamie says he’s been surprised by how strong the family has been since the accident, but says they all get that from Danny.

“Dad was old school; he called a spade a spade. Steele hasn’t had a painkiller since he came out of hospital.”

Jamie says a funeral is planned in a few weeks when Linda is out of hospital.

Until then, the family has also been able to take some comfort from knowing friends and the wider community are rallying in support.

Close family friends Rhiannon Burke and Latasha Stansbury have also started a Go Fund Me page to raise money for Linda.

Burke has worked with Linda for over 10 years and Stansbury for over 15 years at the Bundaleer Lodge Nursing Home, where more recently Linda was the activity co-ordinator.

“They are honestly just some of the best people you would ever meet,” said Burke.

“Family and community was everything to them. Danny was just a massive family man and they always go out of their way to help people.”

Burke said Linda has a challenging road ahead but is such a strong person.

“The Go Fund Me appeal means there is just one less pressure taken away from her so she can focus on her recovery.”

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