Nine intersections along the Kennedy Highway between Mareeba and Atherton will be upgraded as part of a safety improvement program.
Upgrades have been slated to take place at Mines Road/Martin Avenue Connection, Henry Hannam Drive, Wilga Street, Banksia Street, Wattle Street, Walkamin Research Station, Morganbury Road, Channel Road and Mapee Road.
Works will include adding turning lanes and bike lanes, upgrading lighting and new line marking.
The $37.5 million project was jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland governments as part of the Targeted Road Safety Works initiative.
Senator for Queensland and Special Envoy for Northern Australia Susan McDonald says the project is already well underway.
“This project, which began in late 2020, is also installing a wide centre line treatment, audio tactile line marking, shoulder widening and safety barriers along 21 kilometres of the Kennedy Highway between Mareeba and Atherton,” McDonald said.
“This road is used by thousands of locals, tourists and freight operations so I look forward to these intersection upgrades also getting underway to support even more jobs, cash flow, and safety outcomes for the community.”
The project is expected to be completed by mid-2022, weather permitting.