Registration is now open for the Victorian Transport Association’s State Conference 2022, which will this year focus on issues surrounding supply chains.
The event will be held at Silverwater Resort, Phillip Island from March 20-22, with around 35 speakers confirmed to address delegates.
“Our theme for the Conference this year is Attaining Post Pandemic Supply Chain Certainty, and with national and international supply chains under immense pressure during Covid, strategies and tactics for preserving the integrity of supply chains in Australia are more important than ever,” said VTA CEO Peter Anderson.
“Over two days the Conference will feature experts from state and federal governments and oppositions, industry regulators, operators, suppliers, and other experts for important discussions on the issues confronting freight and logistics,” Anderson said.
“Topics covered will include training, education and licencing, alternative fuels and technology, industrial relations and heavy vehicle transport law, human resources, safety and infrastructure, with a distinct focus on the key changes and reforms required for confidence and certainty in our supply chains.”
The 2022 speaker line-up and program will be released in the weeks leading up to the Conference as content is finalised.
“Another important part of the Conference are opportunities to make new contacts and reconnect with colleagues, customers, and others you likely haven’t seen for many months,” Anderson added.
“We are especially encouraging operators to consider sending younger members of their team along to learn from their industry peers. It’s critical that we continue to attract and retain young people to the transport industry and professional development opportunities like the State Conference are important for educating and training transport leaders of the future.”
“We look forward to welcoming stakeholders from the freight, transport and logistics sector to Silverwater Resort next month.”
To register and review the range of ticketing options please visit