With WA’s ‘hard border’ falling today after nearly 700 days, truckies have also had their Covid-testing regimes rolled back.
Following a review of WA’s border controls based on the latest health advice, the updated Safe Transition Plan for truckies is now in play.
The Transport, Freight and Logistics (TFL) Directions, for so long considered the most hardline in Australia, are rescinded and ‘TFL people’ are now subject to the general directions.
Truck drivers coming across the WA border will need to have:
- G2G pass, G2G QR code;
- be fully vaccinated (triple vaccinated if eligible)
- have photographic evidence of a RAT test in the 24 hours since entering WA or present for a PCR test within 24 hours of entering WA.
- If they receive a positive test or are notified they are a close contact they will need to comply the with COVID Transition (Testing and Isolation) Directions (No 2).
Western Roads Federation CEO Cam Dumesny said he welcomes the relaxed rule changes.
But strongly believes that the WA government should publicy commend the “outstanding” effort by truckie drivers for over 53,000 border crossings during the hard border closure, with only half a dozen incidents in that time of concern.
“That’s 99.99 per cent done right – a fantastic result,” said Dumesny.
Meanwhile, media reports are already quoting Premier Mark McGowan saying he cannot guarantee the hard border is gone for good.
There are also other updates emerging of a massive spike in Covid numbers in the state just as thousands pour into the state.
Massive spike in covid numbers in WA just as the border opens – 2423 new cases – 2420 local – 3 travel related -8419 active cases – 22 people in hospital and tragically 1 person has died #covidwa @10NewsFirstPER pic.twitter.com/4jbF6OyK6U
— Natalie Forrest (@nat_forrest) March 3, 2022