Heavy vehicles are now able to travel from Sydney to Brisbane via an alternative route to gain access to isolated communities, advises Transport for NSW (TfNSW).
The detour is available for up to 26-metre GML B-doubles.
For vehicles travelling from Sydney/Newcastle to Brisbane, your best route is inland via the New England Highway, says TfNSW.
If you are travelling from Grafton to Brisbane, the Gwydir Highway, New England Highway or Summerland Way are the best options.
For access to Northern NSW communities (Grafton, Casino and Lismore) the best route is detailed below:
- Grafton to Casino (Summerland Way)
- From Casino continue on the Summerland Way to Cedar Point
- At Cedar point turn right onto Bentley Road, which becomes Kyogle Road which becomes Casino Street
- At Lismore, continue along the Bruxner Highway to Alstonville
- Then use Teven Road, Tintenbar Road and Tamarind Drive
- Enter the M1 at the Tintenbar interchange
- Exit the M1 at the Tintenbar interchange
- Use Tamarind Drive, Tintenbar Road and Teven Road
- At Altstonville use the Bruxner Highway to Lismore
- Use Casino Street, WHICH BECOMES Kyogle Road, which becomes Bentley Road
- Turn left onto Summerland Way
There is an 80km/h maximum speed limit along this route for heavy vehicles. Heavy vehicles are asked to use UHF29 to communicate along this route.
Getting essential supplies to these communities devastated by the flooding is a priority.
“Please forward this information onto any freight operators who transport supplies to these areas,” said TfNSW.
For the latest traffic information, download the Live Traffic NSW app, visit www.livetraffic.com or call 132 701.