
Works to help flood-proof the Bruce Highway continue

Ten three-lane bridges are being built at five creek crossings between Caboolture-Bribie Island Road and Steve Irwin Way along the Bruce Highway, in a bid to help improve flood resilience.

This includes the area where significant flooding led to the Bruce Highway being cut in late February.

The works are part of the $13 billion Bruce Highway Upgrade Program.

“We’re working to make highway closures through this section far less common,” said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Barnaby Joyce.

“The new southbound bridges and approaches currently under construction at King Johns and Lagoon creeks will be at least 2.4 metres higher than the current low-lying ones.

“The existing northbound bridges over King Johns and Lagoon creeks, already higher than the southbound bridges, will be replaced with new bridges sitting 1.3 metres higher.”

These are being built as part of the $662.5 million Bruce Highway Caboolture – Bribie Island Road to Steve Irwin Way upgrade, which is funded by the Australian and Queensland governments on an 80:20 basis. It’s expected to be completed by late 2023.

Queensland Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey added that crews were assessing construction sites affected by floodwater and resuming work.

“The Bruce Highway is an important part of the national road network and putting an end to delays will be welcome news for the 115,000 drivers who travel these sections each day,” Bailey said.

“I appreciate the patience of locals and industry as we worked to reopen the road, and for the ongoing efforts of crews on the ground who are continuing to clean-up and repair our roads.

“Ongoing flood repairs will also be scheduled on the Bruce Highway, and a number of roads on the state-controlled road network in the coming months, to permanently repair any damage and ensure these areas are more flood resilient than before.”

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