
Going digital in transport to deliver better outcomes

The start of 2022 has brought with it many challenges. We thought we were seeing the back of the Covid-19 pandemic, but the Omicron variant reared its ugly head. Wild weather across the east coast has impacted roads and transport. The result? Stressed workforces and headaches for drivers. 

Digital solutions mean there is a simple way to manage jobs and stay safe. Here’s how turning digital can help drivers deal with difficult times. 

Streamlined scheduling

With interstate travel rules changing from jurisdiction to jurisdiction – one place might mean isolation, others demand nothing – understanding what you must do and where is more important than ever. At the same time, you need to get the most out of your hours on the road. 

AI-enabled fleet management software, combined with telematics devices that collect location data, show the office where you are in real time, and therefore what rules to follow. It also shows who’s on the road and who’s not, or who’s needs a break and who is fresh of one, is all available at the click of a button, helping to make re-routing for weather events easier for everyone. 

Meanwhile, smart routing means that you’re able to make more deliveries in less time. This means deliveries are made efficiently, and you get the rest you need to stay healthy and well. 

Digitising work diaries

Electronic Work Diaries (EWDs) are common among transport operators in Australia, and they’re a key example of how and why going digital can help drivers address current concerns. 

Automated fatigue management, streamlined compliance, and sharing previously paper-based information quickly from office to driver are just some of the reasons why EWDs are helping drivers and their companies. 

When everything from work diaries to delivery details can be viewed via in-cabin devices, you eliminate physical documents in the driver cabin, reducing clutter and improving efficiency.

Safety first

On-road safety starts with visibility. A smart dashcam powered by AI provides optimum visibility. By capturing all driving time to ensure all events are detected and analysed, they give you transparency into driver behaviour and the ability to correct risky driving with training and feedback. 

Beyond this, a smart dashcam provides real-time visibility for the driver. With instant audio alerts when poor habits are detected, such as travelling too close to the vehicle in front, they are able instantly remedy their actions to ensure they and the community at large, are always safe. 

Beyond just detecting bad habits, AI-enabled cameras can pick up on and flag good behaviour. This can be used to reward the driver through incentive programs. With all the analytics available, coaching and training programs can be improved to benefit individual drivers with areas they need help in. 

Working smarter, not harder

Smart Dashcams, EWDs and scheduling tools are just some of the ways you can improve safety. There are a host of digital tools within a fleet management solution is able to keep you rolling. While things are difficult there are solutions available to organisations – both large and small – that enable you to continue to operate at a safe and high level, even when you’re stretched thin.  

For more information on how transport operators can go digital, click here or call Teletrac Navman on 1300 111 477.

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