It’s a big word for just a few letters.
Trust doesn’t come easy, it’s earned, and it’s got to be nurtured and maintained. Us partners we understand this, but do politicians, enforcement, law/policy makers, associations and well-funded health organisations understand this?
Makes you wonder some days doesn’t it. They listen, just like the 13-year-old, that’s for sure.
So much is presumed then assumed, taken for granted and also dismissed.
Consultation with the industry? What? Tony Sheldon’s infamous 100 people surveyed that gave him the answers he needed to imagine his RSRT?
Any wonder owner-drivers and employees steer clear of unions. They may promise a lot and deliver for some, but not for interstaters. Trust was being lost way back before Razorback.
Politicians have a wonderful rhetoric, federally, state and let’s even mention local council level. Promises a lot and deliver minimal; three jurisdictions on one road and never the Twain shall meet. Laughable.
The heavily-funded health and wellbeing organisations new for the trucking industry: easily accessible to those in ivory towers, at a desk or on the warehouse floor.
One organisation works on a peer system. Interstate truck drivers are notoriously secretive about health issues primarily in fear of losing their licence. They trust no one so it’s difficult to see at this point if a peer system is appropriate for them.
Enforcement is a definite no trust. Especially in NSW where if they can’t find anything, they go a hunting. Just like a mother does when the kids roll their eyes.
Do drivers trust the trucking associations? Some to a point, others definitely not. Even to the partners it’s clear the big end of town is catered and curtailed to. Ivory tower syndrome? You can answer that yourself, as it’s purely based on personal experience and opinion.
What do the associations do for truck drivers, interstaters and owner-drivers primarily? A couple of state-based ones work their tails off, with minimal funding, if any, compared to others and get lost in the white noise created by the ‘industry leaders’.
New safety initiatives, new NHVL, new expenses, new or old, the most frustrating thing is nothing is pro-active.
In this day and age it’s a lack of duty of care even with specific CoR law. If I’m not 10 steps ahead of the 17-year-old the place can fall apart, then you hear them scream.
Yeah drivers can be their own worst enemy, they don’t do submissions, don’t participate in surveys, don’t comment on Facebook, or other social media. Why? Simple, they don’t trust and no one listens.
Trust is a two-way street. People making the decisions that affect drivers and their families need to understand this point as well as how we live.
They need to listen to listen, not already have the decision and appear to seek consultation.
I best go see if my trust in the 13-year-hasn’t been broken and they’ve done the lawn for their dad. We do love our drivers and trust that their job will always be done and they bring it home safe.
P.S. Happy Mother’s Day to you all – the BNH.
The Bored Neurotic Housewife is the pen name for a group of truckies’ wives and partners: “We see first hand the stress and illnesses our drivers are affected by, we pick up,the pieces, put them back together again.”