Healthy Heads in Trucks and Sheds (HHTS) and R U OK? have joined forces to deliver resources aimed at ensuring people in the road transport, warehousing and logistics industries know when and how to meaningfully connect and ask, “Are you OK?”
Launched today, ‘R U OK? in Trucks & Sheds’ is a day of action that aims to drive conversations for ongoing cultural change – shining a light on the importance of being able to have these sorts of conversations every day of the year.
Various organisations across the country will hold workplace events to encourage connection among colleagues and provide free resources on how to drive a conversation if they’re worried a workmate might be struggling.
“A key ambition of the foundation is to continually raise mental health awareness among truck drivers, distribution centre and warehouse staff members. By joining forces with R U OK? our goal is to make sure people in the sector have the tools to drive conversations that could change, or even, save a life,” said Naomi Frauenfelder, CEO at HHTS.
“To achieve this goal, we have worked with R U OK? to create ‘a practical guide to asking ‘Are you okay?’ that is tailored to the sector. It provides the tools to spot the signs that someone might be doing it tough and four simple steps to asking, ‘Are you okay?’, right through to how to find support services.”
HHTS says the transport industry in Australia ranks poorly in terms of workplace mental health and wellbeing, with a thriving index score that’s the lowest of any sector.
Katherine Newton, CEO at R U OK? added, “Life’s ups and downs happen to us all, but those working in the road transport, warehousing and logistics industries face some unique challenges including tight deadlines, long hours, shift work and isolation. One thing we can all do is drive conversations with workmates who might be doing it tough, helping them feel connected and supported at work and in their personal lives.”
The ‘R U OK? in Trucks & Sheds’ initiative delivered by HHTS and R U OK? is funded by the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator’s (NHVR) Heavy Vehicle Safety Initiative, supported by the Federal Government.
NHVR CEO Sal Petroccitto said, “Mental health continues to be an important issue for our industry, and I congratulate Healthy Heads in Trucks & Sheds for urging everyone to check in and ask ‘Are you OK?’ – not just once a year, but every day.”
For more information and to download free resources including ‘A practical guide to asking, ‘are you OK?’, click here.