
Injured truckie Michelle Pillar shares update about her recovery

Following a horrific accident six months ago, which resulted in a young livestock truckie losing both of her legs, the trucking community has rallied together in support. Here’s a heart-warming update about her incredible progress so far.

Back in January, 25-year-old Michelle Pillar was travelling through Colac when her life was changed forever.

It took close to 12 hours before Pillar could be freed from the wreckage and she suffered critical injuries, with both legs requiring amputation.

The Mortlake Roadhouse in western Victoria set up a range of fundraising initiatives for the injured truckie, to go towards her rehabilitation and the challenges that lie ahead.

“The total is currently at an amazing $256,322.17. People from far and wide in Australia have given so generously, even a truck stop in America rattled tins to raise money for Michelle,” said Mortlake Roadhouse owner Dion Symons.

Her undeniable strength and determination since the accident have been a true inspiration.

Pillar shared a video with Mortlake Roadhouse recently, which was put online with her permission.

As Mortlake Roadhouse owner Dion Symons explained, “l asked if l could share the latest video she had sent me earlier in the week as not only do a lot of people daily ask how she is going but it’s also massively inspiring, this is what her first walk looked like without using the hand rails. It’s a long road ahead but in only six months, I am sure you will agree she is killing it. If you’re having a bad day then look no further than this for inspiration and a bit of perspective of where you’re at in life. Keep on keeping on young lady.”

Pillar was filled with gratitude for all that the roadhouse has done to support her. “You’ve helped me in more ways that you’ll ever know. You make me feel like I can do anything and be anything with the support and selflessness you’ve shown me,” she said.

“I want to show everyone else that they can do whatever they want or have to do to, to live a happy life. Despite the grief and the loss, life still has to go on. No matter what you go through, if there’s a will, there’s a way.”

Though the Mortlake Roadhouse has been lauded for its extraordinary fundraising efforts, Symons says it’s been a real team effort. “The Mortlake Roadhouse has bizarrely become the face of this fundraiser but in fact we are just a small part. Recognition should also go to Jason Keane, driver for Kelly’s Livestock and Matt Brown, driver for Boyles Livestock, who both came up with idea; and Danny Payne, owner of Paynes Transport; Peter Morris, owner of Morris Transport; and Anthony Boyle, owner of Boyle’s Transport and so so many more,” he said.

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