
Big Brother is watching you: ‘Machine learning’ cameras to be installed in NSW

machine learning

Transport for NSW (TfNSW) is installing a number of machine learning traffic counting and classifying cameras across the state.

Images of heavy vehicles are taken by the cameras, which then classify the type of vehicle in transit and the type of cargo being transported.

“This heavy vehicle traffic information is helping Transport for NSW shape the future of freight, to better understand freight movements, improve road and rail safety, and enable more efficient deliveries,” said the freight branch of TfNSW.

“The cameras are not used for enforcement or monitoring people or private vehicles.”

Truckies can expect to see machine learning traffic counting cameras installed at the following locations:

  • Cockfighters Bridge, Wollombi Brook
  • Thomas Mitchell Dr, Muswellbrook
  • Kamilaroi Hwy/Waverley Road Railway Crossing, Werris Creek
  • Curlewis Railway Crossing.

According to the fact sheet on the cameras webpage, there is a radar sensor and camera on the unit that takes a picture of the heavy vehicles when certain criteria are met.

After the picture is taken, artificial intelligence within the unit can tell the difference between different types of heavy vehicles, for example, a container carrying heavy vehicle, B-double or semi-trailer.

The units are also able to track changes in load. If a shipping container truck entered a location carrying one container and left with two containers the platform contains a record of this change.

Aside from the above locations, TfNSW says the cameras can also be found at:

  • Sheahan Bridge (northbound only), Gundagai
  • Foreshore Road, Port Botany, Sydney
  • Hexham Bridge (South Bound only), Newcastle
  • Stockton Bridge, Newcastle
  • Tighes Hill Bridge, Newcastle
  • Moorebank Road, Moorebank, Sydney

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