
Recovery works begin on flood-damaged highway

Recovery works have now begun on the Great Northern Highway between Broome and the Willare Roadhouse, following extensive flood damage.

Main Roads WA says around 10 kilometres of the Great Northern Highway west of the Willare Bridge was damaged due to flooding, with approximately 3 kilometres of this section sustaining severe damage and therefore requiring a full reconstruction.

“Two road construction crews have been mobilised, one to work from the western end of the damaged Highway at Cockatoo Creek and the other from the eastern end at the Willare Bridge,” said Main Roads WA.

“Campsites are being established to house road construction workers who will be carrying out the works over the coming weeks.

“Around 30,000 cubic metres of crushed rock and 12,000 cubic metres of gravel fill are being transported to the site to deliver the critical works.”

To view up-to-date road closures and restrictions, click here.

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