
Restoration of heavy vehicle freight route in SA a step closer

freight route

Construction companies are now invited to bid for major upgrade works to widen and repair the Pine Creek Bridge, north-east of Laura.

The works will form part of Northern Areas Council’s $3.6 million project to restore the heavy vehicle freight route along the Appila-Laura Road.

Mayor Sue Scarman said Council was seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified construction industry companies for the remediation works, which will include widening the bridge deck by up to 1.5 metres and strengthening support structures.

“This is one of council’s most significant projects and, with detailed design works now complete, we are eager to see construction commence as soon as possible,” Mayor Scarman said.

The Request for Tender documents are available on the SA Tenders website and works will include widening of the deck, restoration work of the existing girders and concrete slab as well as other associated works.

Following a previous engineer’s report, a 30-tonne weight limit was placed on the bridge in 2019, prohibiting larger trucks from using the crossing.

An alternate route was established which saw larger trucks diverted from the sealed Appila-Laura Road for several kilometres onto the unsealed Gladstone-Appila Road before being able to return to the sealed road to Laura.

“Our small council would have been unable to fund this project alone and we are extremely grateful to the Australian Government for providing $2.9 million through the Bridges Renewal Program and to the South Australian Government for its $340,000 funding contribution.

“These funds not only allow us to improve and reopen an important freight route in our region but also reduces council’s expenditure and impact on our ratepayers.”

The tender process closes on February 17, 2023. Interested parties can contact council’s manager of operational services David McKinley on 08 8664 1139 for tender specification details.

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