Bill Haire’s HaireBag Suspension was designed here in Australia for Australian conditions.
When Bill started messing about with suspensions, it was to get air suspension working on a customer’s tipper. He was complaining that the truck would get hung up, or lose traction at the slightest hint of rain.
At the time, his customer had invested in a new airbag suspension, moving away from the old Hendrickson walking beam suspension, synonymous at the time for great traction, but also known for its rough ride. Bill’s HaireBag Suspension took care of both issues, it had improved traction, stability and was being praised for the softer ride.
Since that initial design, customers have taken up the technology across all industries: logging, mining, livestock, tankers, on highway, off highway, heavy haulage… the list goes on. This broad industry take up is a testament to how the suspension is performing.
With thousands of units now out in the field, and plenty of repeat customers, the accelerated sales tells its own story, customers love it!
Haires are seeing comments like:
“I have just had my third system installed, I certainly would not consider buying a new truck without getting the HaireBag upgrade fitted.”
“In my opinion the benefits to the safety and the prolonged life of a truck fitted with the HaireBag system cannot be over stated.”
“Since setting up a complete three-trailer road train on Haire bag suspension, our fuel consumption in a 12-hour shift has decreased by 75 litres.”
And with the price of fuel spiking in recent times, this will surely prick the ears of many operators.
One of the reasons behind the success of HaireBags is the designer and his hands on experience. Managing director William (Bill) Haire, originally from Tallangatta, was released from his heavy vehicle mechanic indenture on the March 19, 1967. You won’t find Bill behind the desk in the office, at 73 you will still find him in overalls, under a truck and not necessarily in his Wodonga workshop. Bill prides himself on getting out and about and talking to the people behind the trucks, he wants to know firsthand what the issues are, and more importantly he wants to help you keep trucking. That’s why he has travelled the Tassie logging coupes, been through the creek crossing of Weipa, felt the corrugation ripples of the NT. He lives trucks.
Bill has gathered a wealth of knowledge during his days as a driver, mechanic, designer and business owner. He has the unique view of seeing the whole picture, and making sure the customer sees the design benefits from beneath all those hats.
As the old adage goes, the proof is in the pudding, with so many repeat customers we’d say HaireBags are working.