
Garbo strike looks set to continue after workers trash Cleanaway’s proposal

The dispute between Cleanaway and its WA workers over pay and conditions looks set to continue after union members voted against the company’s proposed agreement a week after taking strike action.

In a media statement today, the Transport Workers’ Union WA said it is yet to receive any communications from the company, but results were advised to workers indicating the proposal had been rejected.

The union said that Cleanaway is trying to remove daily overtime, force weekends to be worked as normal hours and are proposing pay increases that don’t meet inflation.

Workers are looking for their conditions to remain the same and a wage increase that keeps up with the cost of living.

Despite the ballot being electronic the company took over 24 hours to release results. The results released to staff do not account for all votes cast.

“While we’re pleased the agreement was voted down, it doesn’t excuse the lack of transparency from the company of when the results were received and how they came to those numbers” said TWU state secretary Tim Dawson.

“These workers should be treated with the respect they deserve and communicated to in good faith by their employer.”

In the communication, the union said that Cleanaway threatened to further reduce the offer in an attempt to “bully and intimidate”.

“It appears Cleanaway are determined to prolong negotiations, delay a wage increase and grind their workers’ into submission through threats and intimidation,” added Dawson.

“The workers have told Cleanaway through this vote that the offer is clearly not satisfactory. The company is not listening and now they’re doubling down on their aggressive tactics using punitive measures.

“Cleanaway tried to screw their workers over and they didn’t get away with it. Now the company are chucking a hissy fit and throwing their toys out of the cot.”

The TWU is calling on Cleanaway to negotiate in good faith and provide a fair agreement that meets the needs of the workers.

“We also urge the public to support the workers and stand up against the bullying tactics of Cleanaway.”

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