The Queensland Trucking Association (QTA) is calling for registrations for its First on Scene Remote Incident Training around Queensland for truck drivers and other staff who are on the roads.
This program, funded by the Motor Accident Insurance Commission, is designed to support heavy vehicle drivers in circumstances where they come across a road crash incident in remote areas.
The content has been tailored to increase a driver’s level of knowledge on how to manage a road crash in rural and remote areas when arriving first on scene, the QTA said in a newsletter to members.
What is included?
- Immediate safety and scene considerations and awareness (including powerline safety, dangerous goods awareness).
- Accident location and communication tools and strategies.
- Specialist road crash accident and management awareness including:
– Emergency first aid response intruction
– Stop the bleed instruction - Certificate of completion.
The half-day of training will be held face-to-face in locations around South-East Queensland and regional Queensland.
The first course on the Gold Coast on May 9 is a sell-out, but there are slots open on the other confirmed dates that run through until October 17. For more details, and to register, click here.
If your chosen location is not yet online, the QTA advises anyone interested to keep an eye on its events page for additional dates and locations.
“We are pleased to be rolling out this training to support our heavy vehicle drivers who are often exposed to confronting scenes on our roads,” said Gary Mahon, QTA CEO.
“We want to ensure that they are well equipped to manage these incidents practically and safely, not only to look after themselves, but to provide the necessary assistance when emergency service authorities are required to travel long distances to the site.”