BTS 2023

A tough and ready new identity

You’d be hard pressed to find a workshop, factory, farm or mine site in Australia that hasn’t been cleaned by a SPITWATER pressure cleaner over the last 40 years.

The rare Australian manufacturing success story has celebrated its 40th year but isn’t spending too much time reflecting on the past.

A series of innovations and new products coupled with a new visual identity and marketing campaign is keeping the ruggedly reliable SPITWATER, and the teams that live and breathe the brand, fully focused.

SPITWATER distributors in Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney and dealers Australia-wide are proudly promoting a new look logo, colour scheme and brand promise on their buildings, vehicles and, indeed, the SPITWATER pressure cleaners themselves.

The factory has been producing SPITWATER high pressure cleaners since the 1980s.

“It’s been some decades since we’ve updated the brand. We are doing it now because we want to create a new and exciting future for the next generation,” said Prue Martinotti, general manager of the Spitwater Australia factory in Albury, NSW.

The new branding is being launched with marketing campaigns celebrating the ‘Same rugged reliability’, with a brand new look and just how ‘Tough + Ready’ a SPITWATER is to do the dirty work.

SPITWATER is an enduring manufacturing success story in Australia, where most competitor products are produced offshore and made with global markets in mind.

SPITWATER’s Australian-ness is central to its values. Being an owner of a SPITWATER is being a customer for life. Innovation suggestions are taken from customers, ensuring that the company builds resolutely to get the job done for the Australian industry.

The factory that has been producing SPITWATER high pressure cleaners since the 1980s is undergoing a rebrand too, with new signage already in place in Albury.

The factory brand and name going forward will be OTTICO Equipment, a blend of the founders’ family name ‘Martinotti’ and the word ‘company’, representing the innovative culture originally created by the Martinotti’s and continually shaped by the collaborators and contributors that have made SPITWATER what it is today.

OTTICO Equipment supplies major multinationals and has successful export partnerships with well-known brands worldwide. It is a significant employer for the district on the border of NSW and Victoria, with some team members dating back to its inception. The entrepreneurial spirit that started it all has made an indelible mark on Australian manufacturing. This is a deep passion and purpose that persists through the next generation who are at the helm today.

Of pride is the number of small Australian family businesses built on the back of a SPITWATER. Seeing the likes of roof cleaners and rural contractors start successful family enterprises using something originally created in Albury is particularly rewarding for everyone involved.

Even with the brand changes and innovations, the core of SPITWATER remains unchanged. Same owners and the same teams, producing the same ruggedly reliable, quality, Australian manufactured products and solutions.

Visit the Spitwater stand at the Brisbane Truck Show at Mezzanine 208. For more information call 1800 172 005 or visit

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