BTS 2023

Good old fashioned service

Like the photo? We do, and not just because it’s a Mack, we like it because it’s “old school” and credit to young Jake who rebuilt it. Jake is a young bloke with an old head on his shoulders.

We also see ourselves as old school too and we still believe the transport industry and the people in it are amongst the most honest, hardworking, durable, determined and efficient professionals in the country. 

Good times or bad, the transport industry always turns up and gets the job done. We at TBI Insurance will always remember how you were all treated throughout the Covid fiasco, yet you kept turning up everyday to get the job done.

Much like yourselves, we made the decision to keep turning up to work all throughout Covid. We needed to be there for you whilst you were being there for everyone else. 

When it comes to transport insurance, we are old school and believe in old school values. 

If old fashioned, old school service is something you have noticed has gone missing with your insurance broker, give us a call. 

We can’t promise we will always be cheaper than every other broker, but we do promise that we will be right there with you when you need us, we will not be sitting on a beach with a laptop pretending to be “working from home” like so many of these modern day office warriors these days. 

Just like you, TBI Insurance will always be on the job and in your corner and will always turn up to get the job done.

For more information, please call 02 6925 8788 or email us at

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