News, Tech Talk, Telematics

NSW transitions to Smart On-Board Mass monitoring

Since December 1, 2022, transport operators that require mass monitoring for their operations have been able to use the newer Smart On-Board Mass (OBM) monitoring systems in NSW.

These digitally connected on-board weighing methods have been progressively recognised and used to support improved access around Australia.

Transport for NSW is now transitioning from Interim On-Board Mass Management to Smart OBM and is reminding industry that all operators will need to transition to the more advanced telematics technology by June 1, 2024.

If you are currently operating under Interim OBM arrangements, you may continue to use your existing system until then, said the TfNSW freight team.

“In many cases it’s possible for an existing OBM system to be upgraded to a Smart OBM system – please contact the supplier of your OBM system or Transport Certification Australia for further information,” said the industry notice.

“If your vehicle is currently fitted with a Smart OBM system, you may now enrol the vehicle in an applicable TMA scheme for operation in NSW through your service provider.”

What is Smart OBM?

Smart OBM systems are devices that use digital technology to collect and transmit mass data from vehicles in a reliable and standardised way.

With Smart OBM, operators can enrol in an applicable scheme of the Telematics Monitoring Application (TMA) when mass and vehicle configuration data are required, rather than remain enrolled in the Intelligent Access Program (IAP) and operate under Interim OBM arrangements.

On-Board Mass as a condition of access

OBM is currently a road access condition for some Performance Based Standards (PBS) heavy vehicles in NSW operating under permit and under both the National Class 2 Performance Based Standards Vehicle (Tier 1) Authorisation Notice 2022 and where applicable, National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Notice 2022.

Where OBM is an agreed condition of road access in NSW, the vehicle must have a NSW TMA or IAP Certificate of Enrolment showing the vehicle type enrolled in TMA or IAP and that it is monitored in a scheme that requires OBM.

If your vehicle is already enrolled in TMA or IAP in another jurisdiction, the vehicle will still be required to separately enrol in TMA or IAP with Transport for NSW for travel in NSW.

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