
Retiree wants truckie to know Peppa found a good home


Our story last week about National Take Your Dog to Work Day struck a chord with truckies around Australia.

We were inundated with cute pictures of drivers with their K9 companions and stories of the positive difference they make on their daily runs. Make sure you grab the July 7 print issue of Big Rigs to see a selection of the best.

The story also caught the attention of Portland, NSW, retiree Allan Stockwell.

Although not a truckie himself, in order maintain his own mental health during the challenges of Covid lockdowns, Stockwell decided he needed a dog in his life “to once again provide me with company”.

After searching online he settled on an 11-year-old female English Staffy at the Hawkesbury Animal Shelter in Windsor.

“Reportedly, she was previously owned by a truck driver and travelled with him all over the country; they basically lived together in a truck 24/7,” Stockwell writes in an email.

“Unfortunately, the driver changed his employer and was told “There will be no dogs in my trucks”, so he had little choice but surrender her hoping she would go to a good home; I bet he was heartbroken having to do that.

“Well, I like to think my English Staffy named Peppa has found a good home as she is the kindest, loving and most intuitive dog I have ever owned, I love her heaps. From day one, she has been with me 24/7 and has command of both my house and car. There has never been an occasion when I have had to raise my voice to her as she just seems to know what is okay and what is not; I never want to part with her.”

Stockwell said he felt compelled to write in the hope the message would reach the former owner to let him know Peppa was now in good hands.

“She would have been the best friend any truck driver ever wished to have had and I am pleased there are many truck drivers out there on the road who value the companionship of a dog on board; they make great mates.”

If you are the former owner of Peppa and would like to connect, or can put Stockwell in touch with the truckie, email us at editor@bigrigs.com.au and we’ll pass on your contact information.

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