
Honouring our ‘backroom’ heroes with new awards

What an amazing and diverse industry, the transport, logistics, and supply chain industry is; Transport Women Australia Limited (TWAL) has been running a photo competition over the last several weeks and the range of amazing photos that we have received, has been astounding. 

We are going to be hard pressed to pick a winner. I am so proud to work in this industry and continue to love it after 53 years of service, in so many roles and companies. I have no doubt that there is no better industry to work in.

The next large TWAL event will be at CeMAT on July 26, not only on centre stage with a presentation by myself but also on the recruitment panel by Kat Attana from Tasman Logistic Services. 

We have a free event from 10am-4pm. This is a careers event designed for schools and TAFEs, but also anyone interested in the transport, logistics, and supply chain industry. 

We have an industry speaker and a panel of experts to talk about careers and roles within the industry and is open to all, but you must register. You do not need to be a TWAL member or attached to a school or TAFE, the event will be emceed and hosted by the TWAL company secretary True Ross-Sawrey. 

Anyone wishing for more information or to register, please contact events@transportwomen.com.au Registration closes very soon, it should be a great day so don’t miss out. We want to showcase our wonderful industry and its many and varied careers to as many people as possible during the event. 

We also have an informal dinner planned for Adelaide after the Heavy Vehicle Roundtable on July 12, but it will need to be confirmed. Anybody interested in this event, please contact chair@transportwomen.com.au or ph 0417422319 to ensure that we book the numbers to go ahead. We look forward to having this event in Adelaide, the first dinner for many years.

TWAL, in conjunction with the Road Transport Hall of Fame at Alice Springs and the Festival of Transport will stage the inaugural Dream Maker Awards in August and the nominations are coming in as we near the deadline for entries. 

We have many companies wishing to honour their backroom staff who often don’t get the recognition they deserve, and this is what the Dream Maker Award is all about and whether or not people agree with the name, it is about the recognition of these extraordinary people and their consistent work behind the scenes, which contributes to the successful running of the transport companies both large and small around Australia. 

The Dream Maker Awards will be presented at the Transport Women Unite Red Ball on August 26, and we are very excited to co-host both the awards and the ball at Alice Springs, and we hope that you join us there.

TWAL is also nominating women for the Australian Freight Industry Awards. I am always excited about recognising and showcasing our wonderful members and supporters and acknowledging our role models by nominating them in industry awards whenever we have the opportunity. This encourages the next generation joining our industry to have something to aspire to be, and to follow. This is also one way to show the extraordinary versatility of the women in our industry.

We will have a separate press release announcing a new silver partnership from a long-term sponsor and corporate member. This silver partner will join the two gold partnerships we have signed this year, Prime Creative Media, and Linfox and our Foundation Business Partners, NTI, and Volvo to allow TWAL to continue to develop initiatives and programs for the benefit of our members and the wider industry.

  • Jacquelene Brotherton is chair of Transport Women Australia

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