News, Truck sales

MMM Logistics fleet up for grabs at

MMM Logistics

Mark and Maree Haworth, of MMM Logistics, have been in the transport game for over 30 years.

Don’t panic, however, they’re not retiring but are going through a fleet rationalisation, upgrade and contract change process.

Mark started out driving a Dodge D2f Commer back in 1993 covering interstate, furniture removals and container freight mostly on the east coast, while Maree was managing the business and growing their family back home. All of the children are now involved in the family business, in one way or another.

Mark worked as the general manager at Walkers Haulage around the mid-2000s while contracting, burning the midnight oil driving the odd night and weekend himself to get ahead with his business at the time, MMM Contracting.

He then worked for Mannway Transport freighting steel for OneSteel, consumer goods to Bunnings stores, plus many other taxi truck companies.

Mannway ceased operation back in the late 2000s and this is when Nige Taylor, of Grays, and Mark and Maree first met as they bought up big, gearing up their business with ex-Mannway assets.

They picked up the odd contract off the Mannway closure too. This work involved lots pre-cast concrete, steel, pipes and more for the construction industry.

Over the years, Mark and Maree have bought and sold plenty of trucks, trailers and equipment through Grays. Always C15 and D-D 15s have been the family’s choice of engines with all maintenance done in-house. These days Mark and Maree’s son Matthew is the head mechanic, showing plenty of love for the fleet.

The energy and culture at MMM is one of a big family who may have their moments, but there is always plenty of fun and laughter to be had along the way, say those how know the Haworths best.

When Nige asked Mark what his dream brand new truck is he replied: “I will never buy brand new! But I did just buy our new flagship prime mover from Grays in Brisbane, a flashy 2015 Freightliner Coronado with twin bunks and a bit of bling.”

Look out for it on the highway between Sydney and Brisbane, with a custom blue wave decal in fitting with the rest of the fleet, yet still a little different.

Meanwhile, Grays will be holding an online auction on behalf of Mark and Maree from Thursday, September 14 to Wednesday, September 20.

Assets on offer include 10 prime movers, 18 extendable and flat-bed semi-trailers, rigid trucks, and more. Make sure you check out the special sale preview video below, or head straight to the sale by clicking here for the full listing of assets, photos and their maintenance histories.

Want to know more or have a truck, trailer or fleet to sell? Call Grays’ NSW head of sales Nigel Taylor on 0410 080 371.

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