Shows, Truck events, Vintage

Vintage trucks line out for Urana Truck Show

The sun was shining in the small town of Urana, New South Wales last weekend, as over 1400 people turned out for the Urana Vintage Rally and Truck Show.  

With over 200 vehicles registered for the show and plenty of activities from a twilight tractor pull to a flower show and BBQ, the event was a huge success. 

President of the Urana Vintage Machinery Club, Garry Baffsky, said he was delighted with how the weekend went.  

“There were some really special restored vehicles at the show, which were really great to see,” he said. 

“We had people bringing trucks all the way from Tassie and South Australia, we really appreciated their commitment to being there.  

“Without them and without our long-standing sponsors, there could be no show.

“A hospital fete also took place at the event, with ice-creams, cakes, food stalls and more.”

Mitch Underwood’s 1987 Ford LTL.

Three trucks were awarded prizes on the day, with the winners chosen by public vote.  

“We went with a People’s Choice formula,” Baffsky explained.  

“I’m hoping we can do that in future because I think it’s good to get the opinions of a wider demographic and represent the broader community.”  

Robert Trethowan’s 1987 Mac Super-liner.

Bernie Leason won the top prize for Best Ford, with a stunning 1986 Ford LTL.  

Meanwhile Mitch Underwood scooped the award for Most Original Ford Truck for his lovingly restored 1987 Ford LTL, and Robert Trethowan went home with the trophy for Truck of the Show for his 1987 Mac Super-Liner.  


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