New South Wales, News

They’re watching: New cameras to capture heavy vehicle data

More machine learning cameras are being installed by Transport for NSW (TfNSW), this time in the state’s west.

As part of the trial, TfNSW says new counting and classifying cameras will be used to better understand freight movements to help reduce congestion, improve road safety outcomes, and encourage more efficient deliveries.

“The new technology is seen as another tool that can be used to help manage increasing freight volumes, which are expected to increase across NSW by 28 per cent by 2036 over a 2018 baseline,” said TfNSW.

The new cameras will be installed at:

  • Harley Ave, Mount Victoria
  • Darling Causeway, Mount Victoria
  • Great Western Hwy, Little Hartley
  • Castlereagh Level Crossing, Dunedoo

High-definition pictures of heavy vehicles will be taken by the cameras, which are then classified into the type of vehicle in transit and the type of cargo being transported.

“This heavy vehicle traffic information will enable Transport for NSW to better understand freight movements with the aim of assisting long-term planning for the movement of goods in NSW,” TfNSW said.

Though it added that the cameras will not used for enforcement or for monitoring people or private vehicles.

The full list of machine learning cameras can be found here.


  1. Maybe they should stop spending so much money on this bullshit and fix the death traps they call roads. For fuck sake it’s all about cameras watching not road safety the roads are a poor excuse

  2. Electric vehicles are a complete waste of time, not to mention a spontaneous combustion safety issue.
    Unfortunately the manufacturers and the government, and not being straight up with people in regards to the pitfalls of electric cars and trucks no doubt

    I can only imagine as more of them burn down that eventually the message will come home that the battery systems are simply too volatile and too unpredictable, either way it’ll just take a few more people getting killed through electrical mishaps, mainly self combustion fires weather in private garages or in parking stations , Electric cars and trucks are an absolute waste of time we’re being there being forced upon us. The world needs more carbon fossil fuels are a far better option.
    I run interstate all the time and I could not imagine. Pulling the loads I pool with an electric truck the batteries would have to get so hot they want to explode.

    Electric trucks make no sense at all. Can you imagine swapping batteries out at Tarcutta at 11:30 at night doing a change over with 3000 other trucks doing the same thing I think not just fuelling up at the fuel pumps takes half an hour let alone, changing out a 2 t battery, perhaps electric trucks work within a close radius of big cities, but not out on the highway, not between Sydney and Brisbane or Brisbane Melbourne or out the back not when you’re starting not when you’re pulling 40 t plus or 60 t I simply won’t do it

    We need to stick with the tried-and-true products of good diesel engines that are reliable and built for Australian conditions.

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