New speed cameras in Tasmania – which also detect drivers on their mobile phones and those not wearing seat belts – have been big revenue raisers.
One small fleet operator told Spy that on a trip between Nubeena on the Tasman Peninsula and Hobart he saw four such cameras, some of which were in relatively hidden locations.
One of the cameras has been placed near where a 70km speed sign has been placed close to a 100km sign. So truckies have been warning others on their radios, or by bush telegraph, about them.
On the subject, Spy hears that a complaint has been made by locals about truckies speeding through Taranna which is 9km from Eaglehawk Neck and 6km from Nubeena. This section is often very busy with trucks and vans.
At the small hamlet of Taranna, which has a population of around 200, there is also a sign advising truckies “not to engine brake” whilst travelling there.
On a positive note, truckies in the area have been raving about the good food served up at the Dunalley Bakery which is also along the Arthur Highway and around 57km from Hobart and is a small fishing village.
“They serve up the best bacon and egg burgers you would find anywhere and lots of us drivers enjoy a stop there,” one truckie told me.