It was early one cold morning when Big Rigs saw driver Hayden Butt, 36, delivering linen to the Night Cap at Riverside Hotel in Launceston.
He was driving a Hino 500 for Top Centre Laundry and the temperature was sitting at about six degrees, just after 7am.
“I like the cold weather and it is much better than when it is hot. I really enjoy the job and early starts suit me,” Butt said.
Butt gets around the northern region of Tasmania. The company also has a depot at Devonport about 95km away.
“The company is great to work for and maintains all of the trucks in good condition and this one is comfortable to drive,” he said.
Butt has to be fit to do the job as it requires wheeling trollies full of linen and also lots of lifting.
“I go to the gym a lot to ensure I am fit,” he said.
Butt has been with the company for six months but has driven trucks for many years including when employed by a building business.
He used to play Australian Rules football for South Launceston Club which competed in the NTFA. “I barrack for the Richmond Tigers in the national AFL and they won a few recent premierships but are now rebuilding for the future,” he said.
While Butt said the northern Bass Highway was in pretty good shape, he wasn’t so complimentary about the Midlands Route between Launceston and Hobart.
“There are lots of roadworks which cause delays but it will be good once that is finished,” he said.
His favourite roadhouse is the Mood Food at Kempton for several reasons. “They make a great steak sandwich and you can ring in advance and pick it up when you arrive,” he said.
He then drove off and 30 minutes later I saw him again, delivering to another Launceston business.