
They’re watching: More machine learning cameras rolling out in NSW

Machine learning cameras, which take high-definition pictures of heavy vehicles, will be installed at an additional three locations in NSW.

A radar sensor and camera on the unit takes the picture of the vehicle when certain criteria are met.

Part of a Transport for NSW trial, the pictures taken by these cameras will be used to classify the type of vehicle and type of cargo being transported.

After the picture is taken, artificial intelligence within the unit can tell the difference between different types of heavy vehicles, for example, a container carrying heavy vehicle, B-double or semi-trailer.

According to information provided by Transport for NSW, the units are also able to track changes in the load. If a container truck entered a location carrying one container and left with two containers, the platform contains a record of this change.

Transport for NSW says the new counting and classifying cameras are being used to better understand freight movements to help reduce congestion, improve road safety outcomes, and encourage more efficient deliveries.

New cameras will be installed at:

  • Golden Hwy/Denman Rd, Denman
  • Barrier Hwy, Nyngan
  • Bourke Rd/Kidman Way, Cobar.

According to Transport for NSW, the cameras are not being used for enforcement; and will not monitor people or private vehicles.

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