Truckies should take note of changed overnight traffic conditions on the Pacific Motorway from Sunday (March 3) to carry out safety improvement work at Mount White, advises Transport for NSW (TfNSW).
TfNSW will carry out the work near the M1 Pacific Motorway southbound off-ramp towards the Mount White heavy vehicle weigh station.
Work to be carried out includes some vegetation clearing and construction of an access track.
To minimise impact to motorists, the work will be done between 7pm and 5am, Sunday to Thursday, and is expected to be completed in one week, weather permitting.
The southbound exit and heavy vehicle weigh station will be closed from 7pm, Sunday, March 3, to 5am Monday, March 4. The heavy vehicle weigh station will be open during the day.
From Monday, March 4, access for heavy vehicles will be maintained through the exit slip road and the weigh station will remain open.
A shoulder closure and 60km/h speed limit will be in place for the safety of workers and motorists.
Day work starting Monday, March 11 will be carried out weekdays from 7am to 5pm and is expected to be complete in five weeks, weather permitting.