Patrick has advised that from Monday, March 4, a valid Maritime Security Identification Card (MSIC) and OneStop access swipe card will be required by all truck drivers to access the Melbourne PortRail and CargoLink facility.
In addition, all drivers will be required to complete the online site induction through the OneStop website here.
As the CargoLink facility is not segregated from the PortRail Terminal, drivers de-hiring containers to CargoLink will also need an MSIC and OneStop access card.
Patrick says that the “best value” option is a $704 card that gives you both MSIC and access to facilities for two years, or $1017.50 for four years.
The cheapest option is a two-year pass for $412.50, but that only applies if you already have a MSIC.
The stevedore says the reason for this requirement is that the PortRail Intermodal Terminal will be a section 77G underbond licensed premises.
Peak industry body, Container Transport Alliance Australia (CTAA), understands that Australian Border Force (ABF) has apparently agreed that the display of an MSIC as well as the recording of drivers’ details through the OneStop access card satisfies Patrick’s requirements to maintain a “visitors’ log” for the licensed site in accordance with Australian Customs Notice No. 2022/46.
CTAA objected to the requirement for truck drivers accessing CargoLink to possess and display an MSIC.
It argued that a significant percentage of truck drivers in Melbourne doing container delivery work and import container de-hires to empty container parks (ECPs) do not possess an MSIC currently.
“In addition, there is no requirement for an MSIC for entry into all other ECPs in Melbourne, including DP World Melbourne Logistics Park (MLP) adjacent to the new Patrick CargoLink facility in the Swanson Precinct of the Port of Melbourne,” said CTAA director Neil Chambers.
“The federal MSIC regime is designed to provide evidence that the holder has had a valid background check from AusCheck to allow unsupervised access to the declared maritime security zone.
“In our view, the simple carriage and recording of the details of a valid heavy vehicle driver’s licence and an access card would have sufficed for access to Patrick’s PortRail Terminal and the new CargoLink facility.”
Chambers said that this new requirement will make the de-hire of empty import containers to Patrick CargoLink in Melbourne more expensive.
“Drivers who don’t possess an MSIC who may be carting an empty import container from a client’s premises will not be able to proceed directly to CargoLink for de-hire,” he said.
“Instead, the import empty container will need to be staged through a yard and the task allocated to a driver who does possess an MSIC.
“This mandate will force many truck drivers to apply for an MSIC and a OneStop Access Card, which is expensive and takes approximately 21 days to process.”
Chambers said that the new mandated requirement may lead to more requests for import containers to be redirected away from CargoLink Melbourne to an alternative de-hire facility.
“Also, it will be a matter for individual transport companies to consider whether there should be an additional cost to their customers for empty de-hire to CargoLink Melbourne given the added costs and complexities of ensuring that all drivers accessing CargoLink have a valid MSIC and OneStop Access Card.”
In a letter to industry, Patrick said the card requirements align with the introduction of its CAMCO autogates at 53-99 Coode Road “to improve operational efficiencies for landside operators and reduce time to complete the arrival process”.
Another scam to fleece drivers of hard earned cash because shitstains like Patricks want to wave a big stick over the industry! They have always been parasites and now they’ve stepped up the game!