Truckie Profiles

Truckie dad makes special trip to see his two kids

Newcastle-based Michael Wheeler, 38, was driving a Kenworth SAR Legend when he stopped for a chat recently, with his two kids by his side.

He had travelled from Brisbane to Townsville and was preparing to pick up a backload of produce from Bowen for delivery to Melbourne.

Whilst Michael has his own truck as he is an owner-operator, on this particular trip he was working for BHT Logistics, which is a family-run transport business.

It was a wonderful trip for Michael, who got to see his son Jaydon, aged 10, and daughter Lexi, seven, who live in Townsville.

They were delighted to have their pic taken together in front of the flashy truck, before heading to the shops to spend some quality time together.

Asked about his favourite roadhouses, Michael said he enjoyed stopping at the Pimba Roadhouse in South Australia recently. “It was about a month ago and was really good,” he said, adding that more rest areas were needed for truck drivers. “Especially in Queensland.”

Whilst he believes there are many good rest areas in NSW along the Hume Highway, he often encountered the same problem with each of them. “It is hard to get a parking space,” he said.

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